我們常常會在茶的包裝上看到這個獅子的標誌,這到底是什麽呢?PinCha 今天要來介紹一下這個全世界知名的斯里蘭卡 logo。
What is the lion logo we often see on tea packages? PinCha is going to introduce the worldwide famous Sri Lanka tea logo today.
斯里蘭卡茶理事會 The Sri Lanka Tea Board
為了維持出口茶葉的品質,與提高“斯里蘭卡茶葉”這個品牌在世界上的地位,斯里蘭卡的公部門與私部門於1976年一起成立了“斯里蘭卡茶理事會”,並註冊了獅子的商標,由公正獨立的第三方來品嘗茶葉的風味。茶葉的包裝上要使用這個獅子的商標,除了茶葉風味與品質必須通過茶理事會設立的標準以外,還必須100%是斯里蘭卡當地的茶葉,沒有混到其他國家的茶葉,另外,這個茶葉還必須在斯里蘭卡境内包裝的才行,如果包裝是在其他國家完成的,就算裏面裝的是100%斯里蘭卡出產的茶葉,也不允許用這個 logo。我們看到這個國家把他們重要的農產品--茶,當成一個國家的品牌來經營管理和行銷,是不是覺得斯里蘭卡很重視,很講究他們的茶呢?
The expected GDP in 2018 of Sri Lanka will reach 93.4 billion USD while its GDP in 2017 hit 87 billion USD. The main economic sectors of the country are tourism, tea export, rice production, textile, apparel, industry, and other agriculture. About 3.5% of GDP, the tea export generated 3.1 billion revenue for Sri Lanka, supporting the countless lives of local people and family. The cruciality of the industry for the country is no need to be illustrated.
To maintain the tea quality and to appreciate the brand "Ceylon Tea" worldwide, both government and private bodies of Sri Lanka cooperated setting up "The Sri Lanka Tea Board" in 1976. The board filed the lion symbol as tea logo and trademark and invited the independent third party to taste and examine the flavor and tea quality. Printing the logo on the tea pack, the pack not only has to contain 100% pure Ceylon tea but also has to be packed locally. As the crucial economic agriculture, tea is managed and marketed as a national brand by Sri Lanka. Do you also feel the country take their tea seriously?
說到這裏,就會想到臺灣也有類似品嘗茶葉,設立風味標準的制度。許多的茶葉比賽多由各級政府或是農會主辦,由隸屬於行政會農委會的“茶葉改良場”(簡稱“茶改場”,Tea Research and Extension Station)提供評審人員。臺灣茶並沒有被當成一個品牌來行銷的原因有很多,或許我們下次可以來談談。
It reminds us the similar system of classifying tea quality in Taiwan, the tea competition, held by many local governments or farmer associations and evaluated by judges represented the Tea Research and Extension Station under Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. We might probably talk about the reasons why Taiwanese tea does not market as a brand next time.
"What Are the Main Contributing Sectors of Sri Lanka's Economy?". LMD. 8 September 2017. Retrieved 23 March 2018.