- 國家標準CNS3055:生乳。從健康乳牛、乳羊擠出,經冷卻且未經其他處理之生乳汁。(喝起來清甜,像水一樣的口感。未經過消毒殺菌,市面上買不到。)
- 國家標準CNS3056:生乳為原料,經殺菌包裝,須全程冷藏供飲用之乳汁。(這就是所謂的「鮮乳」定義,只有殺菌處理,夏天喝起來比較淡,冬天喝起來比較濃。國產的鮮奶經過厰商申請,政府檢驗合格後,可以取得鮮奶標章。這也是PinCha選用的鮮奶。)
- 國家標準CNS15792:以乳粉或濃縮乳加水還原成比例與原鮮乳比例相同之還原乳,並占總內容物含量50%以上,或還原乳混合生乳、鮮乳、保久乳後,占總內容物含量50%,得混合其他非乳原料及食品添加物加工製成未發酵引用製品。(使用此類乳飲品做成的茶或咖啡,依法不得稱呼為「鮮奶茶」,應該稱為「拿鐵」或是「歐蕾」。好處是因爲脂肪可以調整,一般都會回填較高的脂肪,讓牛奶喝起來更濃醇香,只要囘填脂肪的比例固定,不管冬天或是夏天喝起來口感都會一致。)
- 國家標準CNS13292:保久乳(滅菌乳)。生乳或鮮乳滅菌後,可於常溫保存,供飲用的乳汁。(方便保存,要把牛奶長時間帶離冰箱的好選擇。)
- 國家標準CNS3057:以50%以上之生乳、鮮乳、保久乳(滅菌乳)為主要原料,添加調味料等加工製成的調味乳。(這就是我們熟悉的調味乳。)
The news of expired creamer which was reproduced and spread to the market recently occupied different media. Have you ever thought what kind of “Milk" you drink is when you enjoy your milk tea or latte?
The news of reproducing of expired creamer : https://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/118849/
Check the CNS definition on your milk box and you could better understand how your milk was produced:
- CNS3055:The Raw Milk.(It tastes like water, light and slightly sweet. It was not sterilized after milking the cow or goat, so the consumers could not find it in the market.)
- CNS3056:After sterilizing CNS3055, packing, we have to store the milk in the refrigerator before drinking. It is so called the Fresh Milk and its density will differ from season to season. If the milk manufacturer applies and passes the national examination, it will acquire The Fresh Milk Mark. It is also the fresh milk PinCha daily selects to make the milk tea.
- CNS15792:The Milk Beverage. The tea or coffee blended with CNS15792 cannot be named fresh milk tea but named tea latte or au lait. The advantage of the milk beverage is the consistency of the density, slightly denser than fresh milk, because the fat will be added back to it in the making process.
- CNS13292:When you would like to go on a picnic or hang out with friends, the Extended Shelf Life Milk would be your good choice since it could be easily stored in the room temperature. It is also made of 100% CNS3055.
- CNS3057:It is well-known Flavored Milk. It contains 50% above CNS3055, CNS3056, or CNS13292.
After that, a question comes to our mind naturally: how does the non-dairy creamer make? In fact, the creamer is made WITHOUT any drop of milk! It is made of hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, casein, spices, food coloring, etc. No wonder it is said the non-dairy creamer is deleterious to your health.